Tuesday, October 27, 2009


"Despite knowing the information about HIV, too many young gay men feel invincible and invulnerable to the serious threat of being infected. So, in order to infect my audience with reality and the fear of HIV, I designed a powerful visual campaign consisting of graphic and personal imagery that creates a permanent emotional response. I strategically implemented "urinal posters," typographic projections, car fliers and online ads to reach the young gay community at the most critical times. With support from local gay bars, nightclubs and events, my overall message is delivered as a system of unexpected reminders to practice safe sex."- Kyle Huber
For more information, view the Facebook Group 
or the project page on DesignIgnitesChange.com.

This blog was created for a class project to ignite change in my community through graphic design. I DO NOT OWN any of the original photography I used in my prototypes, but do have permission to use the photography in the final poster series. All documentation was photographed by myself.

Project Proposal


View more presentations from Kyle.

The Big Picture

Different outlets will require different approaches all using the same visual identity. These are my ideas:
Online: Imagery, Statistics, and Slogans through popup ads & banners on gay hookup sites, craigslist, facebook, etc.
Gay Clubs/bars: Messages that remind audience to be safe on bar coasters, straws, bathroom signage (urinals, stalls and paper-towel dispensers), typographic projections outside, video, and parking lot/car fliers.
Bedroom: Powerful message that sends a last minute reminder to use a condom on lube/popper bottles("Using protection or catching HIV?") and condom wrappers (positive thought that reminds them that they are being smart!).

Rapid Prototypes

I decided to really refine my ideas and come up with a series of strinking, powerful and personal posters consisting of up close faces of young gay men with statistics about HIV written on their faces. These 5 posters will be hung above the urinals at 3 different gay bars this weekend so that my audience will have to face the truth while partaking in a personal activity (the bathroom). This is the perfect place to reach out to them because when someone is standing at the urinal, they will be forced to look these men in the eyes and let the fact soak in. My goal is to reach my audience when they aren't expecting it, so I think this idea is really strong. Hanging on the mirror or on the back of the bathroom door will be a poster that says "HIV-Protect Yourself. Spread the truth, not the disease." So that way my message is kind of a 2 part attack. They see the stats on the faces and then they see my message.
Also, I created the following posters to be incorporated into screen-based ads and on a Facebook page that I have created to spread HIV awareness.

Project Documentation

This was my first time testing out my designs! I hung these posters in the bathroom at a local gay bar called Bistro 303 Friday and Saturday night. I received great feedback and even some offers to distribute them at some upcoming events.

Then, Saturday night I used a projector to project this statistic on the side of a building right outside Missy B's, the most crowded gay bar in Kansas City.

I also put my "How Lucky Are You?" fliers on the windshields of cars parked outside the gay bar.

Next, I went to an event called Castro Movie Nights on Thursday, October 15th at the Screenland Theater off Armour Road in Kansas City. It is a benefit held the third Thursday of every month that raises funds for charities that battle HIV/AIDS. I was able to hang my posters up in 2 different men's bathrooms to be seen by attendees of this event, which were primarily gay men.

I also hung these up at a gay sports bar on Broadway called Outabounds.

Finally, I hung these up on Friday October, 16th at FLEX, a hip new gay club downtown in the Crosstown Station.

I tested out my car fliers again, this time outside of 303 on Friday night.

Later, I decided to switch out the posters that I put up originally at 303 just to see if changing the faces/statistics would keep this urinal attack powerful.

Craigslist Ads

I posted a couple ads in the personals section on the Kansas City craigslist as an experiment to see what kind of reactions I would get from the anonymous readers.. The young gay community uses online resources to find hookups, which can lead to the spread of HIV or any other STDs. I had some positive and negative replies, directly through craigslist from completely anonymous members of the gay community.

New Imagery!

I finally got a friend of mine to give me permission to use his photographs as imagery for my project! WOOHOO! His name is Ryan Wibawa and he is a very creative Canadian photographer who specializes in the human expressions. Check out more of his work at www.virulentvalmont.com

New Poster Series!

I created a series of new posters with photography done by my friend Ryan Wibawa. Check out more of his work at www.virulentvalmont.com

Updated Posters!

So far, I've received some really awesome feedback for this project...and each time someone contacts me to thank me for what I am doing or to tell me that my posters really opened their eyes, I can't help but smile. It's an incredible feeling to know that something I designed has the power to actually ignite change. I plan to continue pushing this campaign as far as I can.
This is one of the emails I received that totally made my day:

"whats up man? I don't think we have ever actually met, but I want you to know that it was your postings on facebook concerning HIV testing that gave me the final push to get a test done. I am proud to say as of last week I am HIV neg and clean all around. If it wasn't for you I prolly would have waiting longer to verify my status. What I really wanted to say is thank you."